I suppose it's about time to explain the moniker. Nom de plume. Pen name.
First, let me list for you my passions: those themes or objects or influences in my life which compel me, speak to me, and are there completely of my own choice and volition. Things I pursue because I want to, not because I'm compelled to - aside from my own desire. I guess you could apply the word "favorite" ... but it just doesn't speak to the intensity I am wont to feel about these things, as if they speak to my very soul (my apologies, Maria).
All the same, these are a few:
1) Fibre Arts
2) Math (and numbers),
3) Books (the paper kind, though I'm warming up to the electronic kind, and I have long-enjoyed the audio kind),
4) Francophonia (I made that word up, just now. Meaning: all things related to the french-speaking world),
5) Theatre and other Fantasia,
6) Cheese, and
7) Pie.
Sure, there are others, but these are Major. I find I have already carried these themes in my recent blogging, as also they appear in my life.
Aaand back to topic numero uno. Really, Mrs. Pi is a pseudonym with many levels. On the superficial, I'm sure you've got two so far.
I am a Pie Person. I have never liked cake. It lacks complexity. It's too much of one thing: sweet. I love the culinary juxtaposition of the savory, dry crust and the sweet, moist filling of a pie. I love the endless combinations, the possibility. Consider the fact that pie is a homophone of a number, and you have my next segue:
As creative as I like to think I am, I am also a math nerd. I love to solve problems. I work with figures, just like the grown-ups The Little Prince bemoaned in his namesake novel. I love when numbers align. I graduated in the year 2000. I got married on 9-10-11. I like to play the "date" game by taking the numbers in today's date and making them into an equation that balances. Don't mistake me: I am not a math genius. I think "math nerd" and "math genius" have a subtle but significant distinction. For example, today:
1 + 1 + 1 = (6 / 2 + 0) * 1 / 1
Not a game, you say? Well, I admit it's not complicated. But I have fun with it, and so Game, I say, Game!
I use simple operators. Sometimes I'll drop in exponents if I need to. But ne'er log nor e nor pi. So I confess: I'm no math genius. But I still love math.
Pie, Pi. Mrs. Pi. Need some more?
My wedding favors were apple Pies-In-Jars (recipe courtesy of one of my favorite blogs: Our Best Bites, pies themselves courtesy of my Penna bestie and her lovely mom):
Fresh out of the oven
Pretty on display
All 120 of them! Ten dozen pi(es)!
My wedding cake was technically a groom's cake (my husband loves chocolate cake) but I had a wedding pie, also courtesy of my Penna bestie's mom:
Mr. Pi cut me a slice o' pie, I cut him a slice o' cake. And if you care to know, we were kind and did no dessert "smashing". Also, if you are attentive to detail, you'll see my signature symbol in the crust of my beautiful wedding pie.
That's most of what's in my name. As midnight approaches, I'll leave you with one of my favorite quotes:
"Someone has made you the happy recipients of a pie from The Pie Hole. As
in "shut your." Or, in this case, "open your," because it's really
good!" ~Olive Snook
Mrs. Pi